Importance of Music In Education

Kenneth Soares
July 11, 2020
3 min read
The music of your youth stays with you throughout your life.

Music is said to be the cultural fabric of our society. The art form acts as a mirror of the times that we live in. However, due to the amount of importance that has been placed on traditional scholastic curriculum, the encouragement towards music and most other extra-curricular activities seem to have been slightly side-tracked by most institutions and parents. While all extra-curricular activities pay their due role in shaping the identity of a formative individual,  we're going to narrow the scope of today's hot topic to offer thorough insight on the importance of music in an individual's schooling. Creativity

It's the most obvious merit of including music in the curriculum. The adoption of art into a largely scholastic education fosters creativity within students. It helps them grow up to be more holistic, well-rounded individuals. Exposure to art also exponentially increases the odds of them finding their passion at a young age and building to it. Music is a great way to ensure your students' cultural development while instilling a touch of sensitivity in them.  Character Building

Learning music can pan out to be a very character building activity even if studied on the periphery of its more scholarly counterparts as it imparts important lessons about order and rule-following. Learning music entails being disciplined in its very essence. The key elements in the world of music mandate its participants to stay in conformity to one another in order to create the right sound. It imbibes in the student the importance of rule following and the rewards that can be reaped through the preservation of those rules.Team Work

Music also brings in the component of teamwork into the conversation almost right away. Indulging in music as a class is as healthy a way for building camaraderie as there can be. The process of creating a piece of music together requires all the essence of team work. It breaks away from rudimentary learning of values like compromise, understanding, patience, coordination and improvisation instead imbibing them in practice.Stress Release

That's what music should be like all the time. No stress, moving forward, inspiring the youth and doing it with style and vigor

-Pharrell Williams

While indulging in music is supposed to be free of stress, the activity continues to be one of the most effective ways of releasing any pent up emotion and/or stress. Students at a young age go through enough stress with the amount of  coursework they are asked to manage. Adding to that, the burden of finding your place in the world and understanding its ways (also puberty, yikes). Fair to say, kids have it pretty bad for the most part of growing up. Wouldn't having a healthy channel of release and expression do them a world of good? Bring in some music to ensure their best development and also simultaneously take a load off their shoulders. (win-win)Smarter StudentsStudies have shown that the rate of mental development of children indulging in music related learning/activities has an undisputed edge over those of children who don't. This was seen in terms of SAT scores, problem-solving skills, development of language and several other tests.Indulging in music is also seen to be a positive factor in the development of a child's brain as t is seen to be linked with a better memory and pattern recognition skills. It also makes sense as music can be seen as a rather refreshing change of pace from the drudgery of academia that kids of that age generally face.For more insight, check out the video below.[embed][/embed]Emotional and Intellectual Development

Music is said to bring about emotional development and intellectual curiosity among children. Music acts as an important medium of self-expression for students (and everyone, honestly). Thus it helps students be more in touch with their innermost thoughts and emotions. Moreover, it also stands as a great facilitator for experimentation and exploration for new sounds and different combinations. It's only a matter of time before this experimental attitude is adopted in other spheres of life making them more inquisitive and open to new ideas and experiences.

Your youth is the most important thing you will ever have. It's when you will connect to music like a primal urge, and the memories attached to the songs will never leave you. Please hold on to everything. Keep every note, mix tape, concert, ticket stub, and memory you have of music from your youth. It'll be the one thing that might keep you going.

-Butch Walker

In this day and age, we're all looking for an all-round development. However, this idea of development can get overshadowed by the constant need to be excelling at coursework.The need of the hour is to learn to make the best of our time rather than doing the most with it and use some time for art and expression. Music is clearly an important factor that can exponentially improve the lives of students who indulge in it providing mental as well as emotional advantages. So we must make sure that we leave enough time to secure the peripherals of our development while nailing down the fundamentals.Thank you for reading. If you liked what you've read, take a couple minutes out and have a look at ReportCard.

Kenneth Soares
Singer songwriter.

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