10 Benefits of Joining A Ballet Class

Dhwani Shah
July 18, 2024
4 min read

"When ballet takes to the sea, even the sunset comes to take a sneak peek."  -Anthony T. Hinck.

Originating in the Italian Renaissance as court entertainment, ballet as a dance form, has made its way to the centerstage. The grace, poise and elegance that ballet dancers bring to the scene have been mesmerizing lovers of art for centuries. From Anna Pavlova to Margot Fonteyn, ballerinas have entertained and enthralled royalty and audiences worldwide. However, ballet is more than just an art form; it is a discipline that has the power to transform you physically and mentally. Here are some benefits of ballet training:

a mind map showing the benefits of ballet

1. Posture

In today's day and age, as we spend endless hours slumped in front of a screen, we’re developing a habit of a bad posture without even realizing it. Poor posture can have detrimental effects on our body - from back, shoulder and neck pain and poor circulation, to long term health problems like joint damage and spinal deformities.

Ballet is all about achieving postural alignment. Every exercise and stance in ballet requires you to maintain a good posture - an elongated neck, shoulders back, a lengthened spine and a strong core. Regular ballet practice encourages us to carry this awareness of our posture and apply it to our everyday actions of standing, walking and sitting. Maintaining a good posture goes a long way in improving and maintaining overall health.

Simple ballet exercises such as Relevés, Swan Arms and Port de Bras can help improve posture.

a young girl in a blue tutu extending her arms above her head in a perfect ballet stance

2. Flexibility

Ballet movements involve the stretching of muscles in almost all parts of our bodies - legs, feet, arms, back, and neck. Techniques like the arabesque or the adagio require a dancer’s body to move freely and allow a great range of motion, demanding a supreme level of flexibility.

The ballet barre is an essential element of dance training. This part of ballet focuses solely on stretching while holding onto a wooden or metal bar with one hand.  Ballerinas also include stretching exercises as a part of their warm-up routine. Thus, continuous practice of the dance form improves flexibility, mobility and muscle tone.

a ballet teacher practising some stretches with her student

3. Increased Stamina

Let’s face it: our sedentary lifestyles have robbed much of our vigor and fortitude and made us lazier than usual. A long day often leaves us feeling tired and exhausted, making it difficult to devote our energy and do our best at the tasks at hand.

High stamina allows us to be robust and stay focused for longer and thereby perform daily activities more efficiently without being easily defeated by fatigue. Ballet dancers have great levels of power and endurance built by hours of rigorous practice and training, which includes cardiovascular exercises, strength training and hours of rehearsal. Improved stamina levels leave you feeling fresh and energetic, in turn boosting overall physical and mental well-being.

4. Muscular Strength

Interestingly, ballet is one of the best full-body workouts out there! The motions required in ballet - balancing, bending, stretching, twisting and jumping - require you to use every muscle group in the body, shaping and strengthening them along the way. Performing these movements repeatedly and reworking muscles time and again makes them stronger, more resistant to wear and tear, and keeps them lean and supple.

a ballet dancer tying her pointe shoes

5. Confidence

Performing can be a daunting task - be it in front of a small group or a large stage audience. Ballet gives you the opportunity to try and learn something new and challenge yourself every step of the way. Performing movements that you once considered difficult (or even impossible!) can make you feel accomplished and motivate you to do better. Ballet allows you to slowly get to know your body better and understand all that it is capable of. Moreover, ballet studios generally organize annual recitals where learners get to display all that they’ve learned over the course of the year in front of their family and friends. Stepping out of your comfort zone and putting your skills into practice in front of a live audience can do wonders for self-confidence.

a ballet dancer in a blue tutu in the limelight during a stage performance

6. Mental Agility

Ballet demands a great deal of discipline, focus and concentration. It is essential to constantly be present and concentrate on the various actions you have to perform and change within minutes - be it skipping, counting beats, coordinating the movements of the arms and legs, maintaining the right posture - all at the same time. Carrying out such intricate tasks simultaneously increases neuroplasticity- which in turn helps with learning, memory and comprehension. Ballet is as mentally demanding as it is physically, and the longer you practice it, the more time you devote to enhancing focus and mental agility.

7. Social Skills

The pandemic has taught us the importance of social connections more than ever. Ballet classes are a great way to meet new people and make friends with similar interests. Learning and growing with peers and sharing experiences promotes a healthy and supportive space for children where they feel loved and accepted. As children observe their peers, they develop a sense of empathy and companionship; watching other kids their age experience similar struggles, helping other students and accepting help from them makes them feel accepted, comfortable and relaxed in the environment. They will also feel excited and eager to come to class ready for more. More often than not, children carry these friendships and experiences beyond the class as well.

Not just children, ballet classes for adults are also a wonderful way to interact with people from different walks of life, with a shared interest nonetheless, form new friendships and build a sense of community.

a group of young ballet learners enjoying each others company

8. Happy Hormones

As mentioned, ballet is an intense full-body workout. Exercise releases endorphins - happiness hormones or ‘feel-good’ chemicals - in the brain, triggering a positive feeling in the body, making us feel content and happy during and even after class. It has been proven that ballet (and other forms of dance) release more endorphins than other forms of aerobic exercise. Moreover, listening to classical music has been shown to have positive, calming influences on the brain and aid focus and concentration. Doing ballet also results in reduced cortisol levels leading to lower stress levels, improving the overall quality of life.

a ballet teacher and her student smiling as they look into a mirror

9. Coordination

Ballet usually involves quite a lot of multitasking. Performing a ballet routine is all about doing a complex set of physical actions - moving the arms and legs in different directions simultaneously, coordinating your movements to the music, and controlling your motion when required. Executing a routine with perfection can thus be challenging, but only at first! It certainly gets better (like it always does with practice!), and your brain and body become well coordinated over time, and start flowing effortlessly in sync before you know it.

This enhanced coordination and multitasking ability also translates to everyday life, improving overall cognitive function, time management, and the ability to handle multiple tasks, be it at home, school or work, efficiently.

10. Creative Expression

Self-expression is the dominant necessity of human life. - Dale Carnegie

Ballet allows us to express ourselves, to communicate the overwhelming emotions and sentiments we feel within, and to tell a story through the beautiful mediums of movement and music. Ballet allows us to let go of everyday struggles and enjoy the freedom of motion and sound - almost like an unspoken truce with ourselves and those around us. Being able to freely express our emotions, feelings and thoughts allows us to live joyous, lighter and fuller lives.

a dancer performing a graceful jump mid-air, with her arms outstretched

Ballet involves performing graceful choreography to precise musical notes and beats, engaging both hemispheres of the brain and boosting sensorimotor skills. Moreover, reports also suggest that dancing reduces the risk of dementia by 76% by keeping our minds sharp and active. And most importantly, ballet is fun! It is an activity that can refresh and rejuvenate you and help you find some solace in the chaos of everyday life.

So it doesn’t matter if you have years of dancing experience or if you are simply ready to try something new, starting ballet dancing definitely sounds like the right thing for you!

If you are a ballet academy or a ballet studio dedicated to nurturing quality dancers, Classcard can simplify your journey to excellence. With its easy-to-use and practical features, our dance studio management software allows you to schedule classes, manage bookings, track attendance and payments and much more, while you focus on what you do best - training and inspiring your students to reach their full potential!


Mental Health
Dhwani Shah

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