4 Uncomplicated Ways to Provide Students With Effective Feedback

Khushboo Ramchandani
July 17, 2024
2 min read

It is crucial that feedback should be thought about mindfully before being conveyed to the student. Well-received feedback can possibly transform the mindset and thought-process of a student to great lengths. There are studies that confirm that negative reports from teachers end up discouraging the students in that specific course. Hence it's essential to present feedback that is understood in the context intended, whilst positively communicating the message. Here are some simple ways of effectively providing students with feedback.

Be receptive to the specific needs of the particular student

Each and every student has a different personality and hence requires different approaching methods. Some students will need a push, while others could be sensitive and may need you to closely consider what you say to them.

Conduct one-on-one meetings

Inviting the student over during consultation hours compared to delivering feedback during class hours differs majorly.

When you and your student are in a personal and private space, chances are the communication is unhindered and are able to cover broader aspects.

Encourage them to take notes on various pointers or suggestions you have for them. The aim is to deliver your feedback to them in the manner that they think is acceptable. This will also give you a chance to get to know your students better.

Acknowledge them

This tip is useful for positive feedback. Begin your sentences with “I noticed…”. Acknowledging and keeping track of your students’ behavior and achievements will only motivate them further. And to ensure your praise sounds genuine, don’t repeat phrases such as “good job” or “well done”. Because eventually they may lose their meaning and leads the students to assume they’re simply for approval.

It’s a two-way street!

After the end of a course or semester, hand out anonymous surveys based on your teaching skills and areas for improvement. As a student, it really is an incredible feeling to finally be able to voice your personal opinions to your tutors without it affecting your grade. Not only does this establish a healthy relationship between you and your students, but it will also provide you with free advice and thoughts on your methods. Tools such as Google forms or SurveyMonkey can make this process quick, easy, and done within minutes. You won’t be leaving a carbon footprint as well 😉.

Ensuring students receiving the adequate level of feedback is surely a load of work, but it absolutely pays off when you see visible improvement. If you like what you’ve read, do try Classcard.

Khushboo Ramchandani

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