Key CRM features in a class management system

Shania Santwan
July 17, 2024
5 min read

A sports institute can have the best infrastructure facilities, the most expert coaches, and the most comprehensive curriculum. However, without reaching out to prospective students, how will they learn about all you have to offer? 

The smooth functioning of any sports institute relies on its human assets. 

Therefore, a big part of managing a sports institute involves devising multiple strategies to reach out to a wider pool of students. 

However, it doesn’t stop there. Once you have acquired new students, or reached out to the prospective ones, it’s important to manage your relations with them efficiently. Ideally, you need to set up an optimized process that ensures that every step of your interaction with your students goes smoothly. This is where a CRM comes in.

A Customer Relationship Management tool or CRM is a software/system that helps you focus on building long-lasting relationships with your students. A report from Salesforce indicates that CRM software can increase sales by as much as 29% while improving sales forecasting accuracy by up to 32% and improving sales productivity by 39%. Irrefutably, it serves as an important part of the sales arsenal to not only acquire students but also retain them. 

Some of the benefits of a good CRM include:

1. Better customer experience 

A CRM helps you understand your students better through the available data, thereby allowing you to tailor your sports sessions, marketing strategies, and communication to their needs.

2. Increased efficiency 

A CRM is a great lead management tool. You can prioritize your leads based on the interest they show and customize your communication to them accordingly.

3. Improved collaboration 

Through a CRM, you can access student details in one place. In this way, various team members can reach out to the students to update them about the latest activities hosted at your institute that they may find interesting. This contributes to better internal (team) and external (student) communication. 

4. Insightful reporting 

A CRM gives you a sneak peek into your student’s behavior and other relevant data. You can leverage this to craft key insights, identify current trends and take action accordingly.

The opportunities that a good CRM tool can provide are endless. Now, you make the best of both worlds by managing your classes and developing your relations with your customers through Classcard’s in-built CRM/lead management system.

Key CRM features in Classcard’s class management system

There’s merit in filtering every piece of communication in the student funnel journey. Classcard’s class management system has all the essential features that can assist your institute in fostering relations with its students and in turn, boosting its marketing and sales efforts. 

1. Capture leads

Classcard’s class management system features a customizable lead form that is not only extremely easy to use but also super effective. This lead form can be shared with your prospective students. Once filled the lead profile is created and you are notified via email.

You can decide on the data parameters to capture from your leads as per your marketing strategies and update the same on the form.

You can also create notes and tag the respective coaches to take it forward and communicate with the prospective student. 

Adding notes to a lead

Another helpful feature of the class management system is that it allows you to set reminders for specific tasks. If a particular lead is unavailable at a given time, you can schedule a reminder to chat with them later. 

Once you have onboarded a new student, the same lead can be converted to a student on Classcard’s class management system at the click of a button. 

Converting leads to students on Classcard

The student will continue to have a ‘lead’ profile, along with their ‘student’ profile, as students are occasionally interested in booking several classes. This allows you to manage your processes efficiently and always be at the top of your game!

2. Incentivize potential students

Signing up a student for a (usually free) trial class has proven to be one of the best ways to push them to make a decision. The process of setting up this trial class and then advancing the lead to the next stage is relatively simple in Classcard’s class management system. 

This activity is also automatically logged on the lead’s and your (or the coach’s) calendar. Based on the interest shown in the trial class, you can follow up with them based on their level of interest during the session. 

The class management system allows you to filter your leads into different categories. This data sorting ultimately helps you manage better and form seamless relations with your leads.

3. Add staff members to collaborate 

Acquiring new students is a team effort. This is where Classcard’s staff section can help you make the most of your sales strategy. You can add staff members who will be a part of the various sales stages and then tag or '@ mention' the respective staff against the lead profile. This ensures smooth internal communication.

This seamless process will ultimately reflect how your institute leaves an impression on your target audience. 

4. Leverage the student database for marketing

Data is the new oil. The class management system’s lead and student forms help you collate all the essential data points about your prospective customers, current students, and alumni in one place. The insights derived from this database in terms of customer habits, patterns, interests, demographics, etc can form the basis of your marketing strategies. 

The students that are not a part of any classes are shown as ‘inactive’. There’s great potential in leveraging email marketing to reach out to these students with personalized messages to get them enrolling again! This data can also be used to target ads on social media platforms. 

Your CRM Is the Key

Identifying sales opportunities, managing marketing campaigns, measuring performance - there’s a lot you can explore & uncover using a class management system that also works as a CRM! Your students should choose you and the best way to ensure that is by developing personal relations with them through the right CRM.

Sign up for free on Classcard’s class management system and take your sports institute to the next level.


Q1. Why does a sports institute need a lead generation module with a class management system?

A lead generation module is primarily responsible for boosting sales. It not only helps to identify prospective students but also helps to convert them into long-term customers. This module also helps you set up and manage trial classes for prospective leads to incentivize them and gauge their post-session interest. 

In this way, having a lead generation module as part of a class management system allows you to manage and schedule classes, track lead details, follow up with prospective leads, and monitor communication status in one place. This makes it easier to collaborate on different processes and increases productivity.

Q2. Can we add customers who have already converted to students directly to the system?

Yes! We have a lead form and a student form. On filling out the student form, they will automatically appear as students on Classcard’s class management system and you will be able to access all their details.

Q3. Is the lead management feature a part of the Classcard pricing?

Yes. The Classcard pricing gives you complete access to the ‘People’ section wherein you can manage and coordinate with your leads, students, and staff effectively. 

Q4. I want to try the Classcard’s lead form feature before purchasing the subscription. How can I sign up for it?

Classcard allows you to set up a lead form and capture the details of potential customers as a part of the free plan. Don’t just take our word on the lead generation module. Test out the feature yourself and unravel all the hidden marketing opportunities within!

Sports Academy
Shania Santwan

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